
Check out some of our book and music recommendations.

  • ESV Study Bible

    ESV ends up being the preferred version of scripture at The Cross because of its faithfulness and ease.  This study version brings together a strong rooted perspective, while examining other interpretations as well.


    This is our album of original music, it is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other streaming platforms.  The album reflects our desires to be Biblically-centered, historically-rooted, and fostering creativity. 

  • Total Church: A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community

    This book ends up really being the starting point for leadership at The Cross as we examine how the Gospel and community go together in regards to such areas as theology, evangelism, justice, and worship.

  • The reason for God

    When examining your own doubts, trying t understand the doubts of others, or finding resources to answer some of the most common objections, this is a must-read in our day.